Benefits and Resources for Families

Oftentimes families are not aware of the support available to them. Great Start to Quality provides access to a network of resources to help you better support your child’s growth and education.

Great Start to Quality provides you with:

  • An understanding of the importance of high-quality care and its long-term benefits for your child.
    • Research shows the quality of care a child receives by age five strongly impacts their success in school and in life. Great Start to Quality’s quality improvement system system makes it easy to see which programs are providing high-quality experiences for children and families.
  • A way to easily identify quality licensed programs, for children 0-12, that best suit you and your child.
    • You have a lot to consider when choosing care for your child. Things like location, cost, and availability are often factors that influence this decision the most. Great Start to Quality makes it easier for you to make this important decision by providing you with resources to find care that meets those most basic needs, while also allowing you to see which programs are continuously improving the care they offer with the Quality Levels.
  • Access to a local Great Start to Quality Resource Center that provides you with assistance in finding:
    • A program in your area
    • Information about financial assistance
    • Head Start, Early Head Start, Great Start Readiness Programs and 21st Century Community Learning Centers
    • A lending library containing books, CDs and other learning materials for you and your child

Great Start to Quality Resource Centers

The local Great Start to Quality Resource Centers offer a variety of tools and resources to benefit you and your child.

Finding Child Care

Great Start to Quality offers an easy and reliable way for you to find quality licensed programs for your child.

Quality Levels

Any program or provider in Michigan who is in good standing with licensing has Quality level in Great Start to Quality.

Continuous Cycle of Quality Improvement. At the base is Maintaining Health & Safety. Above the base and starting at the bottom left moving clockwise are Reflecting on Quality, Enhancing Quality, Enhancing Quality-Validated, and Demonstrating Quality.

Free or Low Cost Programs

Michigan has different programs for children to be able to attend high-quality, low cost or free, licensed programs, for children 0-12.

Documents and Resources

Great Start to Quality offers a variety of early childhood education resources for families. These resources can help you understand Great Start to Quality, and help you find the best care for your child. 

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