Maintaining Health and Safety

Maintaining Health and Safety

Any licensed child care in Michigan, that has not started the quality improvement process or has an expired quality level, and is in one of the following licensing statuses, will be in the Maintaining Health and Safety Quality Level.

  • Original
  • Regular
  • 1st Provisional

Tribal child care programs are also eligible to participate. Tribal programs interested in participating can email to get started.

Providing a healthy and safe environment is the foundation for a high quality child care or Out-of-School Time program.

Programs interested in moving forward in the quality improvement process must have their program’s Organization Profile registered in MiRegistry. Because staff qualifications and professional development are important considerations in a high quality program, each program staff member working with children must have applied for MiRegistry membership and be connected to the program’s Organization Profile.

The Membership Status and Employment Frequently Asked Questions document can be used to better understand how membership and employment information can impact Quality Levels.  This document contains information about how to best add dual-role employees in MiRegistry, support for editing staff position information, and what information Great Start to Quality uses from MiRegistry for Validation.