Professional Development
Part of having a high-quality program is continuously working on developing skills and knowledge around early childhood and child development. Great Start to Quality provides you with various resources and training to do so.
Every Great Start to Quality Resource Center offers various materials to assist you and providers opportunities for professional development. There are child care trainings offered throughout the state that touch on many different subjects related to child development, early childhood and business practices. These trainings are created to help improve the quality of your child care program.
The Statewide Training Calendar on MiRegistry
All Great Start to Quality training can be found on the Statewide Training Calendar in MiRegistry. Learn how to search for training that can earn credit for Great Start to Quality in this video.
Looking for
Professional Development training?
You can search for trainings throughout the state of Michigan offered by the Great Start to Quality Resource Centers through MiRegistry, Michigan’s professional development registry for the early childhood and schoolage workforce.
Professional Development Guide for Quality Indicators
As you plan for annual staff professional development and prepare for the submission of the Self-Reflection, use this quick reference tool. It can help you determine the professional development Quality Indicator topics in the Self-Reflection for each staff position.