How is CLASS used?

CLASS observations will be conducted by trained and reliable observers in cycles focusing on effective and meaningful adult-child interactions. This could be a Great Start to Quality Assessor or an Approved Assessor.

Watch this short video about what to expect during your CLASS observation.

One cycle is 15-20 minutes of observing and then 10 minutes of scoring.  Each observation will consist of approximately 4 cycles.

Who can use CLASS?

CLASS can be used in any program type, except schoolage classrooms and programs, which uses the SEL PQA. Programs with Head Start and Great Start Readiness Program classrooms will only use CLASS for Great Start to Quality.

Threshold Scores

Threshold scores must be achieved, for each group or classroom observed, for the program to reach the highest quality level; Demonstrating Quality. Threshold scores for each tool are noted in the table.

InfantResponsive Caregiving4.50
ToddlerEmotional and Behavior Support5.00
ToddlerEngaged Support for Learning3.25
PreK-3Emotional Support4.75
PreK-3Classroom Organization4.50
PreK-3Instructional Support2.75

Resources and Training

There are many resources available to support understanding and use of the CLASS tool. Visit

Adults sitting at computers typing. Two adults in a conversation while looking at the computer screen.

Join Teachstone for a series of free, virtual sessions for early childhood educators in Michigan. These short, 45-minute sessions will provide you with actionable strategies to support you in learning the CLASS® tool. Training credit will be provided in MiRegistry for those that attend all 3 sessions. 2024 session dates are March 22, April 12, and May 17 from 1-1:45 p.m.