Demonstrating Quality
What it Means
Programs that have reached Demonstrating Quality have received an On-Site Observation from a trained and reliable Great Start to Quality Assessor or Approved Assessor and have met the threshold scores for the age-appropriate tool for the entire program or for every classroom.
Programs may have options for the On-Site Observation tools used, depending on ages served, program type, and program offering.

Why it’s Important
The results of on-site observations, that are conducted by objective observers, gives programs another tool to reflect on program quality improvement. The tools used for Great Start to Quality are research-based and used in many other states; some internationally.
If a program receives an On-Site Observation and does not meet the threshold scores, it simply maintains the Enhancing Quality-Validated level and can be supported by Quality Improvement Coaches to create goals based on the results.
How to Receive an On-Site Observation
A program is eligible for an On-Site Observation once it completes an application and has a validated Self-Reflection.
Quality Improvement Continues
While Demonstrating Quality may seem like the highest level of quality in the improvement process, quality improvement is a continuous cycle and programs are encouraged to makes goals in the Quality Improvement Plan any time.