Quality Resources for Providers


Curriculum and

Family and

Health and





Business Practices

Business Continuity: Child Care Aware of America

Budget Template: Child Care Aware of America

Developing Policies and Procedures: Child Care Aware of America

Legal, Tax and Insurance Considerations: Child Care Aware of America

Facility Improvement Grants: Caring For MI Future

Business Sustainability Services: First Children’s Finance

Business Leadership Cohorts: First Children’s Finance
Business Leadership Cohort (Family Providers): First Children’s Finance
Business Leadership Cohort (Child Care Centers): First Children’s Finance

Business Planning Workshop: First Children’s Finance

Training Catalog: First Children’s Finance

Strengthening Business Practices for Child Care Programs: National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assistance

Small Business Association of Michigan (SBA)

Michigan Chamber of Commerce

Business Development Services: MEDC

Curriculum and Instruction

Planning and Implementing an Engaging Curriculum to Achieve Meaningful Goals: NAEYC

Implementing a Curriculum with Fidelity Q & A: Office of Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center

Family and Community

Importance of Family Involvement: NRC

Health and Safety

Hazardous Materials Information for Child Care Providers: Child Care Technical Assistance Network

Oral Health Importance: CDC

Promoting Oral Health: Office of Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center

Breastfeeding and Early Care and Education: CDC

Child Care Emergency Preparedness: Child Care Aware of America

The Importance of a Nutrition Plan: NRC

Inclusive Practices

Preparing Young Children for the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities into the Classroom: NAEYC

The Power of Inclusion: What to Expect When Your Preschooler Attends an Inclusive Preschool Program: NAEYC

Standing Together Against Suspension & Expulsion in Early Childhood: NAEYC

Professional Development

Child Development Associate (CDA) Training: NAEYC

Michigan AEYC Knowledge Center (Some offerings included in MiRegistry!)

Licensed Child Care Provider Training: CCLB

MiRegistry Statewide Training

T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship: Michigan AEYC


What Does a High-Quality Preschool Program Look Like?: NAEYC

Creating a High-Quality Learning Environment: Education World

Quality of the Indoor Environment – Lighting: NRC

Environment Rating Scales (ERS)


Recruiting and Hiring Staff: Child Care Aware of America

Apprenticeship Grants: ECIC

Staff Health: NRC

Health Education: NRC