Licensed programs and providers in Michigan participate in Great Start to Quality’s quality process on a voluntary basis. The number of programs who choose to participate and have a Quality Level are updated on a monthly basis. Great Start to…
Set Your Child Up for Success – Apply Now! Michigan’s free preschool programs are enrolling now for fall. Search for a quality program that meets your needs. Programs follow a school year schedule September through June. There are part-day, full-day,…
The Infant Toddler Quality Improvement Grant is administered by Great Start to Quality, in collaboration with MiLEAP-OGS and the Early Childhood Investment Corporation. This initiative implements grants and contracts to increase the supply of high quality infant and toddler child…
Support for Continuous Improvement With provider and stakeholder feedback, Great Start to Quality has implemented a reimagined process to better support programs like yours with reflection and continuous quality improvement. As always, our 10 Resource Centers are ready to help…
Quality Indicator Guidance Documents BusinessPractices Curriculum andInstruction Family andCommunity Health andSafety InclusivePractices ProfessionalDevelopment Environment Staffing Business Practices Business Continuity: Child Care Aware of America Budget Template: Child Care Aware of America Developing Policies and Procedures: Child Care Aware of America…
What it Means Validation is the process by which members of the Validation Team and the Early Childhood Investment Corporation review a program’s Self-Reflection responses and corresponding evidence. The results of the Validation are shared publicly so families can review…
What it Means Programs that have reached Demonstrating Quality have received an On-Site Observation from a trained and reliable Great Start to Quality Assessor or Approved Assessor and have met the threshold scores for the age-appropriate tool for the entire…
What it Means Once a program has completed the Self-Reflection, it must choose at least one goal for quality improvement. Goals can be based on the Self-Reflection, program self-assessment tools, or other adjustments to improve the program. This is done…
What it Means Programs in this Quality Level use the Quality Indicators to reflect on program practices and compile evidence of the indicators the program currently meets. Programs also use the indicators to help determine areas of improvement and create…
Set Your Child Up for Success: Apply Now! Michigan’s free PreK programs are enrolling now for fall. Search for a quality program that meets your needs. Programs follow a school year schedule. There are part-day, full-day, and 4 and 5-day…