Infant/Toddler Quality Improvement Grants

Infant Toddler Quality Improvement Grants

The Infant Toddler Quality Improvement Grant is administered by Great Start to Quality, in collaboration with MiLEAP-OGS and the Early Childhood Investment Corporation. This initiative implements grants and contracts to increase the supply of high quality infant and toddler child care, an innovative strategy successfully utilized in other states.

Child care programs that were approved for Infant Toddler Quality Improvement Grants receive a one-time grant, payable in monthly installments, based on a per slot calculation.

Grants also include strategic technical assistance, designed to connect child care programs and their infant toddler workforce to resources and supports that improve the quality of early learning settings for infants and toddlers.

Infant Toddler Quality Improvement Grants support child care programs working toward three goals:

Increase Equitable Access to High Quality Infant and Toddler Care

Increase Pay Equity for the Infant and Toddler Workforce

Improve Quality in Early Learning using an Equity Lens

Resources for Grantees

Welcome Webinar

Reporting Webinar

TA Webinar Resources

ITQI Monthly Newsletters

Frequently Asked Questions

T.E.A.C.H. Scholarships

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® MICHIGAN is a statewide scholarship program designed to help child care center teaching staff, preschool teachers, family child care providers, group home owners, center directors, early childhood professionals and administrators meet their professional development goals, while continuing their current employment in regulated early childhood and school age care settings. The scholarship helps increase compensation and the retention of skilled teachers. Learn more.

Contact Us

Have questions about your Infant Toddler Quality Improvement Grant?
Please include your license number in your email.

About the Infant Toddler Quality Improvement Grant Program

The Early Childhood Investment Corporation (ECIC), in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Education Office of Great Start, will be administering the application for this funding opportunity as an equity-centered strategy to increase the supply of high quality infant and toddler child care in Michigan. This pilot program is supported by funding provided from the Michigan Department of Education utilizing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.