Start Sharing Your Story Today
GSQ branded marketing materials help make it easy
As a program participating in Great Start to Quality, you have a great story to tell – and families want to hear it. You need to let them know you are committed to providing high quality care or children and that your participation in GSQ proves it. We know your doing a great job. And that’s why we’re providing you with the tools and marking materials you need to get the message out about your program to families, and potential families who may choose your program.

Here are a few reasons why sharing GSQ information and branded items with families can help your program thrive.
- Helps families understand and recognize what you do as a part of GSQ
- Helps explain to families what GSQ is and what it does
- Helps families recognize ways that you offer quality child care
How to use the provided materials
All the items below are available to download and either print or distribute electronically, include in email, or post to your website or social media.
Downloadable Materials
Family FAQs

The FAQs answer common questions that families have about Great Start to Quality. They cover topics such as what is GSQ, what to look for in a high quality program, and more.
GSQ Brand Standards Guide for Providers

The Brand Guide provides guidance on how to use the GSQ logo, colors, and other important information. It will help you create a consistent and professional marketing presence for your program.
Family Brochure

The colorful, easy-to-read brochure provides information about Great Start to Quality. It includes information about GSQ recognizes quality, the benefits of quality child care, and how families can find participating GSQ programs. Print the PDF as a handout or distribute electronically by email.
Website Language

This is language that you can use on your website, either on an existing page, or on its own page, to help explain what Great Start to Quality is and your participation in it.
Provider Email Signature Text or Graphic

This is the branded email signature that you can use in your emails to families and others to show your participation in Great Start to Quality. It includes the GSQ logo, and the link to the GSQ website or the text.
Great Start to Quality Logo

This is the official GSQ logo. You can use it on your website to showcase your participation. The blue version is for use on light backgrounds. The white version is for dark backgrounds.
These engaging videos provide information about Great Start to Quality. Share these videos with families to help explain how GSQ works, and how it supports families and providers.
How to Use GSQ to Find Quality Care
What is GSQ?
Answering Families’ Questions
GSQ Awareness
We’re sure you will find the GSQ branded marketing materials helpful in spreading the word about your program in your community.
If you have questions or need help, be sure to reach out to your local Resource Center.
Call 877-614-7328, or visit our Resource Centers page.